Online Coaching

The modern way to train

Need to fit training into a busy schedule?

No time to get to a class at a specific time?

Want more freedom in your training?

Then online training is for you!

Online training allows you to have a fully bespoke and personalised training plan designed for you but allows you the freedom to decide where and when the activity takes place.

Support is available every step of the way with a dedicated coach analysing each workout and providing feedback.

Any questions that you have are answered with multiple methods available to communicate - whatever fits into your life better to make training as effective and efficient as possible.

What Sports Suit Online Training?

Online training can be adapted for the majority of sports.

Currently I have clients who are:

  • cyclists

  • runners

  • mountainbikers

  • bikejorers

  • scooter competitors

  • rig competitors

Depending on experience, most sports can be adapted to be trained effectively online. Contact me for a free consultation