Low Intensity Functional Training

LIFT your fitness LIFT your mood LIFT your life

Improve your health and well-being in a safe and sociable setting

  • Gain Fitness

    Do you want everyday tasks to feel easier? Want to be able to do more? Functional training is a great way to achieve this! Training the muscles that are used for everyday tasks will leave you feeling fitter and stronger everyday

  • Gain Confidence

    Exercise is for everyone - find out what you can achieve in this fun and easy going environment. You may surprise yourself of what you are capable of achieving.

    Read the testimonials to see how exercise has benefitted others like you

  • Gain Friends

    This fun and friendly class is not only about the physical side of exercise. The social side of an exercise class is just as important for that feeling of well being.

 Questions Questions Questions

  • Training in a functional way will help to increase your balance and stability, your overall strength will improve and you will be able to do more before becoming tired.

  • Functional training is training your muscles and bodies for the movements needed during everyday life. This could be lifting, twisting, bending or pushing to name a few. Training the muscles and movements used in everyday life helps to make performing these tasks feel easier.

  • Low intensity training is a way of describing training at a comfortable, steady pace. This type of training has multiple benefits

  • The great thing about exercise is that it is adaptable for everyone - whatever your fitness level or abilities. The class allows everyone to work at their own pace and to their own abilities.

    Having a chronic illness is not a barrier to exercising. In fact, exercising generally increases quality of life for those who are living with a long term illness. I have long experience on working with people with chronic illnesses and understand how these can affect daily life and how exercises can be adapted to help.